Monday, February 25, 2013

UPF UV Sun Protective Clothing All the Rage!

We love hearing what people in sunny places think about UPF clothing!

From the Tampa Bay Times we read an article that really hit home for us:  UPF clothing blocks the sun's rays; but affordable sunscreen helps, too

Protective clothing
• Go high-tech. Both doctors agreed that the physical barrier provided by today's ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) clothing is superior to sunscreen. It won't wash off or sweat off, and you don't have to reach between your shoulder blades to apply.
Plus, an initial investment in protective gear will save you plenty in sunscreen — not to mention sun damage.
Fenske cheerfully admits he probably looks like a "complete dork'' in his swimsuit, a long-sleeved number that zips up to his chin but dries in 10 to 15 minutes. (We bet he looks less dorky than the guy we saw at a recent spring training baseball game with a neck the color of boiled lobster.) ...
sun-safe clothing is all the rage in every sport, from swimming to fishing to hunting.

With SwimZip's affordable Swimwear – we make UPF 50+ swimwear affordable and stylish.  Get your children a SwimZip for $29.99 here: 
For all your UPF 50+ rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to visit ... SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chemical-Free Sun Protection You Never Have to Reapply - Instantly

Did you know that SwimZip's President, Betsy Johnson, is a skin cancer survivor?  It is no surprise then that SwimZip is so passionate about education our users and parents about sun protection!  SwimZip wants to make sure you understand that wearing sunscreen daily is very important.  However, there are chemicals in this sunscreen, so if you can opt to use our UPF 50+ swimwear, you will not have to apply as many chemicals to your body!

Skin specifically says:  "Clothing is the single most effective form of sun protection. It is our first line of defense against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays."

Be smart and order your UPF 50+ SwimZip bathing suit right now ... Zip up and enjoy the summer with a few less chemicals!

For all your rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to check out, SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Child Swimwear Models Wanted

SwimZip is excited to announce that we will be featuring our line in POSE Modeling Magazine.  

The shoot will take place in Houston, Texas on April 13th!  If you have a little one (3T & 4T) be sure to send in your photos!

We love having photo shoots done, if you're ever interested in doing a photo shoot for us, please contact us.  Also, if you know anyone else with kids who might be interested in a modeling job, please pass this information along.  We are always looking for baby, infant, toddler, and child models for our stylish UV protective bathing suits.

For all your rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to visit ... SwimZip makes stylish UV sun protection a zip!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cute Swimsuit for Infant, New Born, or Baby

Are you looking for that perfect swimsuit for your newborn or that perfect newborn baby gift?  SwimZip has it.  Since you can't lather on the sunscreen because of the chemicals, you can just zip on this UV 50+ swimsuit and not have to worry about sunburns on your little lady.

This is the first time we will be carrying 0-3 months and 3-6 months bathing suits!  So hurry over and get your swimwear before we sell out!

baby swimwear, infant swimwear, newborn swimwear, new born swimwear, 0-3 Month swimsuit, 0-3 swimwear, 3-6 month swimsuit, 3-6 month swimwear
SwimZip's super cute classic black and white polka dot swimsuit for baby, infant, or newborn!

SwimZip swimsuits come in Boy and Girl sizes 0-3 Month, 3-6 Month, 6-12 Month, 12-18 Month, 18-24 Month, 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T, 5T, 6T, Size 7, Size 8

For all your rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs visit ... SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Great New Boy Swimsuit Set on

Awesome new boy swimsuit on for 2013!

This bathing suit has SwimZip's signature zipper down the front, great style, and the UPF 50+ protection that Mom's love!

boy swimwear, 2t boy swimsuit, 3t boy swimsuit, 12-18 month swimsuit, 6-12 month bathing suit, zipper rash guard, zipper rash guard
The perfect boy swimsuit!
Love the trunks, full zipper, and
UPF 50+ protection.

Bathing suit sizes are for baby, toddler, and child going from 0-3 Month, 3-6 Month, 6-12 Month, 12-18 Month, 18-24 Month, 2t, 3t, 4t.

For all your rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to check out ... SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip.

For all of your rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to check out ... SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip!