We love hearing what people in sunny places think about UPF clothing!
From the Tampa Bay Times we read an article that really hit home for us: UPF clothing blocks the sun's rays; but affordable sunscreen helps, too
Protective clothing
• Go high-tech. Both doctors agreed that the physical barrier provided by today's ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) clothing is superior to sunscreen. It won't wash off or sweat off, and you don't have to reach between your shoulder blades to apply.
Plus, an initial investment in protective gear will save you plenty in sunscreen — not to mention sun damage.
Fenske cheerfully admits he probably looks like a "complete dork'' in his swimsuit, a long-sleeved number that zips up to his chin but dries in 10 to 15 minutes. (We bet he looks less dorky than the guy we saw at a recent spring training baseball game with a neck the color of boiled lobster.) ...
sun-safe clothing is all the rage in every sport, from swimming to fishing to hunting.
With SwimZip's affordable Swimwear – we make UPF 50+ swimwear affordable and stylish. Get your children a SwimZip for $29.99 here: http://www.SwimZip.com
For all your UPF 50+ rash guard swimsuit and swimwear needs, be sure to visit www.swimzip.com ... SwimZip makes UV sun protection a zip!